Muafi | 143110401



  1. Empowering Leadership and Individual Creativity: The Mediation Role of Psychological Empowerment in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic.” Print ISSN: 2288-4637 / Online ISSN 2288-4645. doi:10.13106/jafeb.2020.vol7.no11.809. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 7 No 11 (2020) 809–816. | Url Artikel | Url Similaritas |
  2. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi dengan impact factor pada Journal of the Knowledge Economy, SJR 0.48 pada bulan 43792, dengan judul ‘Empowering Leadership and Individual Readiness to Change: the Role of People Dimension and Work Method’. ISSN: 18687865, 18687873. Volume 10; issue ; pages 1515–1535; jumlah halaman 20 | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |
  3. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi dengan impact factor pada Quality – Access to Success, Journal of Management Systems, SJR 0,21 pada bulan Juni 2021, dengan judul ‘Green HRM (GHRM) and Business Sustainability: The Mediation Role of Environmental Management Strategy (EMS)’. ISSN: p-ISSN 1582-2559; e-ISSN 2668-4861. Volume 22; issue 182; pages 133-137; jumlah halaman 5 | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |
  4. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi dengan impact factor pada International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, SJR 0.39 pada bulan 2021, dengan judul ‘A Nexus between Green HRM (GHRM), Supply Chain Performance (SCP) and Business Performance (BP): The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Organizational Learning (SCOL)’. ISSN: Online ISSN: 2013-0953 Print ISSN: 2013-8423. Volume 14; issue 2; pages 329-344; jumlah halaman 15 | Url Reviewer | Korespondensi | Url Similaritas |
  5. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi dengan impact factor pada International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, SJR 0.39 pada bulan 2020, dengan judul ‘Strategic Concensus on Organizational Performance: A Contingency Approach of Organizational Culture and Isomorphic Pressure’. ISSN: 20130953, 20138423. Volume 13; issue 2; pages 352-370; jumlah halaman 18 | Url Reviewer | Korespondensi | Url Similaritas |
  6. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi dengan impact factor pada Quality – Access to Success, Journal of Management Systems, SJR 0,21 pada bulan Agustus 2021, dengan judul ‘The Effect of Green HRM on Business Sustainability with the Mediation role of Pro-Environmental Behavior’. ISSN: 15822559. Volume 22; issue 183; pages 163-170; jumlah halaman 8 | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |
  7. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi dengan impact factor pada International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, SJR 0.29 pada bulan 2021, dengan judul ‘The Influence of Green Culture and Green Strategy on the Circular Economy Implementation: The Moderating Role of Green Intellectual Capital’. ISSN: 17437601, 1743761X. Volume 16; issue 6; pages 1101-1108; jumlah halaman 9 | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |
  8. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi dengan impact factor pada International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, SJR 0.39 pada bulan 2020, dengan judul ‘Green Supply Chain Management and Green Marketing Strategy on Green Purchase Intention: SMEs Cases’. ISSN: 20130953, 20138423. Volume 13; issue 1; pages 79-92; jumlah halaman 13 | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |
  9. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi dengan impact factor pada Quality – Access to Success, SJR 0,21 pada bulan Januari 2019, dengan judul ‘Business strategy, organizational structure, work processes: are the alignment?’. ISSN: 15822559. Volume 20; issue s1; pages 399-404; jumlah halaman 6 | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas | Url Artikel


  1. “Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi dengan impact factor pada Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Discontinued scopus pada bulan 2020, dengan judul ‘Empowering Leadership and Individual Creativity: The Mediation Role of Psychological Empowerment in Facing Covid-19 Pandemic’. ISSN: 22884637, 22884645. Volume 7; issue 11; pages 809–816; jumlah halaman 8″ | Url Reviewer | Hasil Uji Similaritas
  2. “Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks bereputasi dengan impact factor pada Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Discontinued scopus pada bulan 2020, dengan judul ‘Innovation Culture and Process in Mediating Human Capital Supply Chain on Firm Performance’. ISSN: 22884637, 22884645. Volume 7; issue 9; pages 593–602; jumlah halaman 9″ | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |
  3. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks pada Bussecon Review of Social Sciences, copernicus pada bulan 2021, dengan judul ‘Attitudes toward information and communications technology,mimetic isomorphism and strategic management in Islamic perspektive: The moderating role of Qur’anic work ethics’. ISSN: 2687-2285. Volume 3; issue 1; pages 20-27; jumlah halaman 7| Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |
  4. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks pada INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ECOSYSTEM & STRATEGY, Copernicus pada bulan 2021, dengan judul ‘Examining the role of human capital and strategic management in Islamic perspective: A strategic approach for encouraging business sustainability’. ISSN: 2687-2293. Volume 3; issue 2; pages 41-50; jumlah halaman 9 | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |
  5. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal internasional terindeks pada HOLISTICA, Journal of Business and Public Administration pada bulan 44531, dengan judul ‘Ta’ awun behavior, work stress, worklife balance in Islamic perspective and employee performance: investigation in Indonesia’. ISSN: . Volume 12; issue 3; pages 86-100; jumlah halaman 14  | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |


  1. Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa jurnal pada JBTI : Jurnal Bisnis : Teori dan Implementasi pada bulan Agustus 2023, dengan judul ‘The Effects of Cyberloafing on Organizational Commitment: The Role of Emotional Exhaustion and Job Overload’. ISSN: 2622-0733 (online) | 2085-7721 (print). Volume 14; nomor 2;
    Url Artikel | Url Similaritas | Url Korespondensi | Url Indeks


  1.  “The Influence of Green Human Capital on Business Performance: The Mediation Role of Innovation Activity.” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 194. The Importance of New Technologies and Entrepreneurship in Business Development: In The Context of Economic Diversity in Developing Countries. The Impact of New Technologies and Entrepreneurship on Business Development. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. B. Alareeni et al. (Eds.): ICBT 2020, LNNS 194, pp. 1371–1380, 2021. | Url Artikel
  2. “Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa prosiding seminar internasional pada International Conference on Business and Technology ICBT 2020: The Importance of New Technologies and Entrepreneurship in Business Development: In The Context of Economic Diversity in Developing Countries pada tanggal 13Maret2021, dengan judul ‘The Efffect of Islamic Spiritual Intelligence on Human Reseource Performance: Individual and Organizational Perspektive’. ISBN: 2367-3370: 2367-3389. Halaman 1583-1594 , jumlah halaman: 9″  | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |
  3. “Menghasilkan karya ilmiah berupa prosiding seminar internasional pada International Conference on Business and Technology ICBT 2020: The Importance of New Technologies and Entrepreneurship in Business Development: In The Context of Economic Diversity in Developing Countries pada tanggal 13Maret2021, dengan judul ‘The Influence of Green Human Capital on Business Performance: The Mediation Role of Innovation Activity’. ISBN: 2367-3370: 2367-3389. Halaman 1371-1380, jumlah halaman: 9″ | Url Reviewer | Url Similaritas |

USULAN 2018 

Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi (Impact Factor)

  1. Green IT Empowerment, Social Capital, Creativity and Innovation: A Case Study of Creative City, bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia(Penulis tunggal),Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM)2015-2015-8(3):719-737, Online ISSN: 2013-0953, Print ISSN: 2013-8423,, SJR 0.32, Scop Strategy and Management = Q3, H Index Jurnal =13 |Hasil Reviewer|Hasil Cek Similaritas
  2. Antecedent Couterproductive Behavior:SmEs Cases (penulis tunggal), Polis Journal of Management Studies Volume 12,No.2, 2015, ISSN: 20817452, SJR 0.31, Scop Business and International Management = Q3, H Index Jurnal = 7, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management = Q3 |Hasil Reviewer| Hasil Cek Similaritas|
  3. Strategic Role of Women in Chrysanthemum-Based Engineering Design Disaster affcted Areas (penulis pertama)International Journal of Business and Sociaty (IJBS), Volume 17, No.17, 2016,413-428, ISSN: 15116670, H Index Jurnal = 7 |Hasil Reviewer|Hasil Cek Similaritas
  4. Analyzing fit in CSR Strategy Research in State-Owned Enterprises:Indonesia Context, (penulis tunggal)Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM), 2016-9(1):179-206,Online ISSN: 2013-0953, Print ISSN: 2013-8423, Februari 2016, SJR 0.32, Scop Strategy and Management = Q2, H Index Jurnal =13 |Hasil Reviewer|Hasil Cek Similaritas
  5. The Role of Corporate Reputation Moderation of Banking Services (Penulis ketiga dari tiga penulis), Polish Journal of Management Studies, Volume 15, No.1, 2017, ISSN: 20817452, H Index Jurnal = 7 ScopeA� Business and International Management = Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management = Q3 SJR = 0.31 |Hasil Reviewer|Hasil Cek Similaritas
  6. Is there a relationship pattern between small medium enterprise strategies with performance in technology business incubator? (penulis tunggal)International Journal Public Sector Performance Management, Volume 3, No.1, 2017, 18-39, ISSN: 17411041, H Index Jurnal = 4
    Scope Strategy and Management = Q4 SJR = 0.1 |Hasil Reviewer|Hasil Cek Similaritas
  7. Human capital in Islamic Bank and its effect on the improvement of healthy organization and employee performance, International Journal for Quality Research 11(4) 849–868, International Journal for Quality Research. H Index Jurnal = 9 Scope Mangement Science and Operation Research = Q3 SJR = 0.43 | Hasil Review | Hasil Cek Similaritas
  8. Factors Influencing The Business Success: A Survey Of State Owned Enterprises Of Merger Process, Polish Journal of Management Studies 2018; 17 (2): 170-179.,Polish Journal of Management Studies. Scope  Business International, HRM, Strategy and Management = Q2 SJR = 0.3 | Hasil Review | Hasil Cek Similaritas

Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi

  1. The Role of Source credibility and Place Attachment in Enhancing Visitors’Satisfaction (penulis kedua dari dua penulis) Jurnal MANAJEMEN TEKNOLOGI, Volume 13, N0. 3, hal. 239-252, Print ISSN: 1412-1700; Online ISSN: 2089-7928, DOI:, SK Akreditasi No. 81/DIKTI/Kep/2011 |Hasil Reviewer| Hasil Cek Similaritas
  2. Antecedents and Consequences of Work Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in the Merger Process, (penulis tunggal), Jurnal EKUITAS Volume 18, No.1, hal.1-17, ISSN: 1411-0393, Maret 2014, Akreditasi No. 80/DIKTI/Kep/2012 |Hasil Reviewer|Hasil Cek Similaritas
  3. From HR Strategy to HR Performance in Rural Banking, (penulis tunggal), Jurnal KEUANGAN DAN PERBANKAN,Volume 18, No.3, Hal.475-488, ISSN: 1410-8089, September 2014, Terakreditasi No.040/P/2014 |Hasil Reviewer|Hasil Cek Similaritas


  1. 3-JIEM-korespondensi-MUAFI-Green-HRM.pdf
  2. 4-JIEM-koresponendsi-MUAFI-Strategic-consensues.pdf
  3. 6-IJSDP-korespondensi-MUAFI-green-culture.pdf

Cek Similaritas

  1. 1_JKE_Muafi-3.pdf
  2. 2_QAS-Environmental-manaj-strategy-4.pdf
  3. 3_GHRM_JIEM-6.pdf
  4. 4_Strategic-konsensus-JIEM-6.pdf
  5. 5_QAS-Green-HRM-and-Role-Bahavior-3.pdf
  6. 6_Muafi-IJSDP-turnitin-0.pdf
  7. 7_Empowering-Leaders-13.pdf
  8. 8_Innovation-Culture_Muafi-JAFEB-4.pdf
  9. 9_Quranic-WE-9.pdf
  10. 10_IJBES-SMIP-8.pdf 
  11. 11_Green-Supply-Chain-Management-JIEM-17.pdf
  12. 12-_business-strategy-Q-as_Vol.20_S1_January-2019-11.pdf
  13. 13_Ta-awun-Behavior-Holistica-2.pdf
  14. 14_ICBT-ZIad-10.pdf
  15. 15_ICBT-Muafi-Proceeding-7.pdf

Dakwah Islamiyah

  • Pengurus Yayasan Masjid Al Abrar Yogyakarta | Akta Notaris