Abdul Moin | 933110102

Proseding Internasional

  • Share Buyback Prediction Using LSTM on Malaysian Stock Market. 2021 ICCOINS Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) | Url Karya | Hasil Uji Similaritas
  • The Implementation of Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) Model on the Index Forecasting of Sharia Stocks in Asian Countries | Hasil Uji Similaritas
  • Dividend policy of Indonesian listed firms: The role of families and the state | Hasil Uji Similaritas
  • In search of stock repurchases determinants in listed Indonesian firms during regulatory changes | Hasil Uji Similaritas | Bukti Korespondensi
  • The effects of ownership structure, suboptimal cash holdings and investment inefficiency on dividend policy: evidence from Indonesia | Hasil Uji Similaritas
  • Identifying Digital Transformation Paths in the Business Model of SMEs during the COVID-19 Pandemic | Hasil Uji Similaritas